有人靠车,有人靠马,但我们要提到耶和华我们神的名。 他们都屈身仆倒,我们却起来,立得正直。 诗篇19:7-8
美加华福峰会2023 Houston Chinese Church (HCC) is looking for a man of God to lead a satellite campus of HCC in Pearland 美加华福峰会2023 2022北美爱穆文化节
Houston Chinese Church (HCC) is looking for a man of God to lead a satellite campus of HCC in Pearland 美加华福峰会2023 2022北美爱穆文化节 在线观看 讲座视频: 抢救下一代 - 家庭篇 (华福丰收) 抢救下一代 - 教育篇
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A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
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